
This site uses free images from the Gospel Media Library. If you’d like to download or use the images, you need to abide by the church’s licensing agreement: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/legal/terms-of-use?lang=eng&country=go

If you are a contributor for this site, please keep in mind the following rules:

  1. Members should not state or imply that their online resource’s content, images, or other materials are sponsored or endorsed by the Church or officially represent the Church in any way. Rather, the online resource should include a disclaimer stating that it is not an official, Church-sponsored product.
  2. Church-owned artwork, videos, music, or other materials should not be posted unless such use is clearly authorized by the Rights and Use Information page of an official Church website or by the Church’s Intellectual Property Office. For copyrighted content from other sources, members must first obtain written permission from the content owner.
  3. Other people’s personal information must never be displayed. Images or videos of other people should not be displayed unless the individuals have given written consent. (See “Additional Resources” at the end of this page for an example of a permissions form.)
  4. Social media properties must be properly maintained and actively moderated to ensure that any inappropriate content is promptly removed. Having more than one moderator or owner will help ensure active monitoring and timely moderation.
  5. Members should have a purpose and goal for the resource, such as community outreach, increased friendship between members, and so on, and the resource should be named accordingly. The website, blog, or social media profile should not simply be the name of a Church unit or individual. For example, “First Ward News” and “Friends of the First Ward” are acceptable names, but “First Ward” and “Bishop Davis” are not.
  6. Websites, blogs, and social media profiles should not duplicate tools and features that are already available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

Source: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/pages/online-resources-for-church-callings?lang=eng

Additional Resources

Permission Form Example (PDF)